벤처피플 이혜영 부장(louise)
#전문분야 : 교육, 플랫폼, 영어교육, 인사, 의료기기, 외국계, IT
An enthusiastic and professional consultant, who enjoys being part of, as well as leading, a successful and productive team. Quick to grasp new ideas and concepts, and to develop innovative and creative solutions to problems. Able to work well on own initiative and can demonstrate the high levels of motivation required to meet the unexpected and urgent situations. Even under significant pressure, possesses a strong ability to perform effectively.
링크드인 : https://www.linkedin.com/in/hyeyoung-%EC%9D%B4%ED%98%9C%EC%98%81%ED%8C%80%EC%9E%A5-8ab86832/
이메일 : louise@vpeople.co.kr
통번역, IT, 교육, F&B, 그래픽디자이너, SW, 퍼포먼스마케팅, UX/UI, HW, Engineer, 서버, 백엔드개발자, 광학, 전자형미경, Application, 마케팅, 영상, CT사업개발, Marketing Manager, 앱서비스, 화면설계, 프로젝트개선, 화면분석, UIUX분석, IMC마케팅, CX Manager, CRM